martes, 8 de enero de 2019


How could that thirsty girl that I was
      and sometimes am
get lost in any picture

How your blue could recognized her
at the edge of a night of dunes
and stone steeds.


Your step
—of one syllable
had been announced forever
through my long queue of empty words

Your step of echoes
like rain drops
of your beloved land
was real before seeing you

Your steps
of bagpipes and jingle bells
were to my  very  soul

like the premonitions that visited me as a child.


Each one gave me
only what each one could give. And I gave  to
each one only what they could take from me

Hermann Hesse

I wonder how you enter
to the secret territory
that inhabits me

As you walk
—as if recognizing me
sparks of June dwell in my sight

I let you go through me
I tell you my secrets
I surround you with my laughter

I know you are passing by
I will not detain you.


That name
that you will not name
when you cross the ocean
will be your  silence
will be your farewell

That forbidden name
Replete with vowels
will perform its task as bell
it will be bread
it will be air
it will be earth

It will be the only name
you shall remember
when you come close

to the end of your journey.

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